This Resin Bat Tray is the perfect piece of spooky decor to hold your favorite Halloween treats and trinkets!

Halloween season sure has got me feeling "batty"! Made of sparkling resin, this adorably spooky bat tray is the perfect place to keep your favorite spooky and non-spooky treasures all in one place! This is a simple project for resin crafters of any level and is a lot of fun to make! I love how this Resin Bat Tray turned out, and I hope you feel inspired to give it a try!

To make your own Resin Bat Tray, you will need these supplies:
*Save 10% on Polytek resin supplies when you shop with code AFM
SAFETY FIRST: Before getting started, wear disposable gloves, protect your workspace, and be sure to work in a well-ventilated area!

Prepare about 2 oz (60 ml) of Clear Cast Epoxy according to package directions. Pour in equal parts of resin and hardener to a large mixing cup. Slowly stir the resin together with a stir stick for two minutes or until combined. If the resin looks cloudy or has any streaks running through it, you need to keep stirring it until it becomes clear.
Add a generous amount of purple holographic chunky glitter to the resin and stir with the stir stick until evenly incorporated. Give the resin a few minutes to "rest" and allow the bubbles to rise to the top.

Use the stir stick to slowly fill JUST the lip/outer edge of the tray mold with the glittery resin. Let the resin sit for a few minutes to allow the bubbles to rise to the top. If necessary, use a stir stick or even a skewer to help stubborn bubbles find their way. Use a straw, heat gun, or spritz with 91% alcohol to remove any surface bubbles.
Leave the resin to cure in an undisturbed, well ventilated area for at least 4 hours. It doesn't need to cure completely before moving on to the next step, but it does need to be at least a thickened gel consistency.

Remove any resin that spilled or dripped into the center of the tray.
Prepare another 2 oz (60 ml) of Clear Cast Epoxy according to package directions. Pour in equal parts of resin and hardener to a large mixing cup. Slowly stir the resin together with a stir stick for two minutes or until combined. If the resin looks cloudy or has any streaks running through it, you need to keep stirring it until it becomes clear.
Add a generous amount of black holographic chunky glitter to the resin and stir with the stir stick until evenly incorporated. Pour the resin into the mold, filling it all the way to the top. Let the resin sit for a few minutes, then use a straw, heat gun, or spritz with 91% alcohol to remove any surface bubbles.
Leave the resin to cure in an undisturbed, well-ventilated area for 24 hours. You will know that the resin is cured when it is no longer tacky to the touch and easily pulls away from the edges of the mold.

Now for my favorite step in the process: demolding! Carefully remove the tray from the mold. I absolutely love all of that sparkle, and think this bat tray makes perfect Halloween decor. Trim away any excess resin with scissors or a craft knife. Sand down edges, if necessary, and bring back the shine with clear spray sealant.
If the resin still feels flexible, it may just need more time to cure. Let the piece sit in a warm, flat area to cure for a few hours (or days) to completely harden.

Looking for more Halloween craft inspiration?
Check out this collection of OVER 100 creative Halloween craft ideas!!

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Such a cute little trinket dish!