There's nothing "cooler" than this custom Penguin Resin Shaker Keychain!

When I was a teen, I was obsessed with everything penguin. They are one of the cutest animals on the planet, and they always make me smile. To brighten up an otherwise cold and dreary winter, I decided to make a Penguin Resin Shaker Keychain! Made with resin and penguin-themed fillers, this wintery shaker charm can be used as a keychain or even a phone grip - not to mention that it's a great gift idea! There are quite a few steps to make one, but these charms are actually really simple to make with adorable results! I hope you love this project as much as I do!!

To make your own Penguin Resin Shaker Charm, you will need these supplies:
- Amazing Clear Cast
- Measuring Cups
- Stirring Sticks
- Disposable Gloves
- Penguin Shaker Mold
- Black Holographic Glitter
- White Holographic Glitter
- Penguin Faux Sprinkle Mix
- Snowflake Glitter/Sequins
- Transparency Film
- Permanent Marker
- Hand Drill Tool
- Unscented Baby Oil or Glycerin
- Oiler Bottle
- Super Glue or UV Resin
- Jewelry Eye Screw
- Key Ring with Chain
*Save 10% on resin supplies when you shop Polytek with code AFM
SAFETY FIRST: Before getting started, wear disposable gloves, protect your workspace, and be sure to work in a well-ventilated area!

Prepare about 15ml of Amazing Clear Cast according to package directions. Pour in equal parts of resin and hardener to a mixing cup. Slowly stir the resin together with a stir stick for two minutes or until combined. If the resin looks cloudy or has any streaks running through it, you need to keep stirring it until it becomes clear.
Add a drop or two of black alcohol ink, and pour in a generous amount of black holographic glitter. Stir together until evenly incorporated. Use the stir stick to help you carefully fill the mold, but be careful not to fill the mold above the penguin's face/body in the center.
Add a drop or two of black alcohol ink, and pour in a generous amount of black holographic glitter. Stir together until evenly incorporated. Use the stir stick to help you carefully fill the mold, but be careful not to fill the mold above the penguin's face/body in the center.
Pop any bubbles that rise to the top using a lighter or by blowing through a straw. Leave the resin to cure in an undisturbed area for at least 6 hours. **DO NOT REMOVE THE RESIN FROM THE MOLD!**

Mix up 10ml of resin the same way, except this time use a drop of white opaque pigment and white glitter. Pour the resin over the top of the cured black resin and fill up the mold the rest of the way.
Use a straw, heat gun, or spritz with 91% alcohol to remove any surface bubbles. Leave the resin to cure in an undisturbed area for 24 hours.

Now, for my favorite part of the resin process - demolding! Removing a piece from the mold is so exciting!! Carefully remove the cured penguin from the mold. Trim away any excess resin with scissors or a craft knife. Sand down edges, if necessary, and bring back the shine with clear spray sealant.
If the resin still feels flexible, it may just need more time to cure. Let the piece sit in a warm, flat area to cure for a few hours (or days) to completely harden.

Use the end of a toothpick to fill in the indented eye and beak areas with some black and orange acrylic paint. Once dried, the paint should stay put just fine. However, if you are worried about it, you can cover the painted areas with a thin layer of UV resin.

Fillers are what make shaker charms so much fun! There are SO many options out there, like chunky glitter, microbeads, and so much more. Get creative and have fun with it! I used a mix of microbeads, snowflake glitter/sequins, and a little bit of an adorable penguin faux sprinkle mix.

Use a toothpick to apply a thin line of UV resin around the opening of the penguin. Place the transparency film cutout over top and press it down well.
Place the charm under the light for a couple of minutes. Make sure that the edges of the transparency are completely sealed. If there are any gaps, the charm will leak! If any areas need help sticking back down, use the toothpick to re-apply resin and then cure it again.
*This can also be done with super glue! Just use the adhesive instead of the resin and omit the curing under a light.

Lay the charm flat on its back. Carefully cover the top of the charm with UV resin and use a toothpick or a stir stick to drag the resin to the edges. Be careful to not spill any resin over the edges. This will give your charm a smooth, "domed" top that also completely seals the edges of the transparency film. Use a lighter or spritz the surface with alcohol to remove any bubbles.
Place the charm under the light for a couple of minutes until the dome layer is completely cured.
*Don't have UV resin? Use about 5ml of Amazing Clear Cast instead, and let it cure overnight.

You can keep the charm as-is and give it a shake, but I prefer to give the shaker charm a "waterfall" effect, which makes the fillers slowly float back down to the bottom. To do this, you need to fill the charm with baby oil or glycerin.
Since the opening of the charm has been sealed off, we need to make an opening to fill it. Use a hand drill tool to carefully drill down through the top of the charm. You can actually drill the hole anywhere on the charm, but I usually drill at the top.

Fill an oiler bottle with baby oil or glycerin. Put the needle through the opening and slowly squeeze the bottle to fill the charm with the oil. Take your time - sometimes the oil will go back up through the opening and spill out everywhere!

Give the charm a good shake and watch the fillers slowly float down to the bottom! This is also the perfect time to check for any leaks. If you find any, seal them back up with some UV resin.

Use the hand drill to make a small hole near the hole made for adding the oil, but ideally not the same one. Remove the drill, and then twist an eye screw into the hole. For a more permanent hold, put some super glue on the screw before putting it in.
Use pliers to hook a jump ring through the eye screw, and then attach the key ring chain to the jump ring. Close the jump ring to connect the key ring to the charm.

I love how this adorable little Penguin Resin Shaker Keychain turned out and I definitely recommend giving this project a try. I would love to hear what you think! Share your resin creations on Instagram, Facebook, or leave a comment/photo on the project pin on Pinterest! #AFMCrafts
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