This Marbled Resin Journal is the perfect place to write down your thoughts, lists, and so much more!

To make a Marbled Resin Journal, you will need these supplies:
- A6 Book Cover Molds
- Amazing Clear Cast Resin
- Chameleon Mica Powders - grape, teal, blue
- Mixing Cups
- Stirring Sticks
- Disposable Gloves
- 3-Ring Book Rings
- A6 Notebook Paper
*Save 10% on resin supplies when you shop ETI with code AFM
SAFETY FIRST: Before getting started, wear disposable gloves, protect your workspace, and be sure to work in a well-ventilated area!

Prepare 3 oz of Amazing Clear Cast resin according to package directions. Pour in equal parts of resin and hardener to the mixing cup*. Slowly stir the resin together with a stir stick for two minutes. If the resin looks cloudy or has any streaks running through it, you need to keep stirring it until it becomes clear.
Split the resin into 3 smaller mixing cups. Pour in a generous amount of grape, teal, and blue chameleon mica powders into each cup, and stir with a clean stir stick until the resin mixtures are evenly incorporated.
Alternate pouring the different resin colors into the book cover molds until it reaches the top. Be careful to not overfill the molds.
*These silicone mixing cups are my new favorite! They are reusable, so there is there less waste - which is a big deal for me. There are easy to read measuring marks on the outside of the cup, it's flexible for easy mixing, and clean-up is a snap once the resin has cured! If you use resin often, I highly recommend giving them a try.
Let the resin sit for about 10 minutes, and then pop any bubbles that rise to the top using a heat gun, blowing through a straw, or by spritzing with alcohol. Leave the resin to cure in an undisturbed, well ventilated area for 12-24 hours. You will know that the resin is completely cured when it is no longer tacky to the touch.

"Demolding" is my favorite part of the process! Carefully remove the covers from the molds. Trim away any excess resin with scissors or a craft knife. If the resin still feels flexible, it may just need more time to cure. Let the pieces sit in a warm, flat area to cure for a few hours (or days).

Lay the back cover down, with the back-side facing up. Place a stack of paper on top, lining up the holes of the paper with the cover. Open both sets of book rings and hook the right side of the rings through the holes.

Place the front cover on top of the paper, right-side up and align the holes of the cover with the paper. Bring the rings up through the cover, and close them all to finish assembling the journal.

I would love to hear what you think about this Marbled Resin Journal! As always, if you make any resin projects for yourself, I'd love to see your creations! Tag me on Instagram and Facebook, or leave a comment/photo on the project pin on Pinterest!
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