Share the gift of cotton candy this holiday and use these Free Printable Cotton Candy Christmas Gift Tags!

Before you rush out to grab one as a gift, it's important to know what's included with the adorable Cotton Candy Express, right? Along with the pink cotton candy machine, you'll also get a pink sugar scoop, 3 flavors of floss sugar jars, and eight striped cotton candy cones to collect the cotton candy.
This is the perfect size for keeping on your countertop to make a convenient treat, and is easily transportable to parties and barbecues! It's also easy to wash and comes apart for easy storage.

Making cotton candy at home couldn't be easier. Heat up the machine, and then use the pink scoop add flavored sugar floss to the metal cup in the center of the machine.

*Even though it's fun and easy, I would still recommend having adult supervision during the cotton candy making process!

I love the Christmas movie, Elf, and was inspired by the famous "Cotton Headed Ninny Muggins" quote to make some cotton candy-themed gift tags!! Download the Cotton Candy Christmas Gift Tags (personal use only), and print on regular copy paper or cardstock. Use paper cutter or scissors to cut each of the labels out. There are two sizes of labels included in the PDF download.
Download Free Printable Cotton Candy Christmas Gift Tags
Personal Use Only
Printables from Artsy-Fartsy Mama are for personal use only. You may use these in an educational setting, but you may not sell them. If you'd like to share this printable digitally, share a link to this post/website only. Do not share a direct link to the printable.

The larger cotton candy gift tags are the perfect size if you are gifting the Cotton Candy Express machine. To package the gift, simply tie a large ribbon around the box and tie it into a large bow on the front. Add the gift tag to finish off this SWEET and simple gift idea!!

If you'd like to use the Cotton Candy Express machine with your own family, you can certainly use the cotton candy you make to share as a gift! Make one batch of cotton candy, and carefully put it into a clear cellophane bag. Loop the tag through the twist tie, and tightly close the bag. Lastly, tie a length of ribbon around the bag, covering up the twist tie.
Not only would these be cute holiday gifts for kids and classmates, but they would also make fantastic holiday party favors!

What do you think? Would you want to gift a Cotton Candy Express machine for Christmas? If you want more than the three included flavors, you can always order single floss sugars in a variety of other flavors. Just remember, the ordering deadline for on-time holiday shipping is usually around December 18th!!
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