Make your own Among Us hat using tie-dye and a Cricut machine!

Spring is almost here (hooray!), and we're looking forward to spending more time outside. After going through my daughter's old clothes and accessories, we realized she didn't have any hats that fit anymore. With a little help from some tie-dye and my Cricut Joy, my daughter and I were able to make something truly unique for her to wear that included her favorite colors and video game, Among Us!

First, start with a plain white baseball cap that fits well. Make sure the hat is made of cotton, otherwise it may not absorb the dyes well and you won't get the result that you're looking for.

Grab an It's So Me! Tie Dye Kit in a rainbow of colors. Kits like this are easy to use (just add water!) and will give you vibrant results. Nothing is worse than spending the time tie-dying something and then having it all come out in the wash!!

Fill each of the bottles up with water and shake well to dissolve the dye powders. Protect your workspace with a plastic tablecloth, and make sure you put on the plastic gloves! I also like to keep disposable pans (and lids) around for these kinds of projects to kind of "contain" the mess a little bit.
Rinse the hat in cold water and gently wring out the excess. You want the hat to be damp, but not dripping. Place the hat in the pan and have fun adding dyes* in whatever patterns or designs you want. Make sure to completely saturate the hat in color. The more dye you add, the more vibrant it will be! We found it helpful to add color around the entire hat, then go around and repeat the process a couple of times so that the dye had a little time to soak in before adding another coat.
*Keep in mind that the colors WILL blend where they meet, so I would recommend avoiding using complimentary colors next to each other to prevent a brownish, mucky color.

After dying all of your projects, place the items into separate sealed plastic bags or wrap in plastic wrap. Leave the items in the bags for 8-24 hours. This is an important step because the dye needs time to set and fully absorb into the fabric.

Wash your tie-dyed items immediately after rinsing. Set load to large with hot water, and add a small amount of detergent. Hang dry or dry the hat without a dryer sheet. ALWAYS wash tie-dyed items individually for the next wash or two to prevent dye from bleeding onto other items.

To add a little fun to the hat, we decided to add a little Among Us character to the front. This is easy to do, and is just the right size of a design for the Cricut Joy to handle! Upload* the Among Us cut file (personal use ONLY) into Design Space, and size it to fit the front of the hat. We cut the body out of black glitter HTV and the visor out of silver glitter HTV.
Carefully apply the vinyl to the hat using the EasyPress Mini. When the EasyPress is up to temperature (level 2), preheat the area for 5-10 seconds. Center the HTV down on the hat, with the clear carrier sheet facing up. Set the EasyPress over the vinyl and gently move it around over the vinyl. Peel off the carrier sheet while the vinyl is still warm.
*Here's a great tutorial on how to upload your own images into Cricut Design Space.

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