Make your own plush Pygmy Puff pet, a fluffy, magical creature from the Harry Potter books!

Back again with another fun Harry Potter project! Today is all about Pygmy Puffs, which are a fluffy, magical creature that is briefly mentioned in Harry Potter. My daughter loves the idea of owning her own Pygmy Puff, so we decided to make one ourselves! We had a lot of fun picking out *just* the right fabric and working together to create this little puffball creature that immediately stole our hearts.
For those who haven't read the books, here's the description according to Harry Potter Wiki: “A Pygmy Puff is a miniature Puffskein, bred in the back of Fred and George Weasley’s shop Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes at 93 Diagon Alley in London, and sold there as one of the known products in the WonderWitch range. It is one of their most popular products, as George said they were having trouble breeding them fast enough for the demand. Ginny Weasley bought a purple Pygmy Puff named Arnold in 1996, which she frequently played with at Hogwarts.”
So, what are you waiting for? Let's make some Pygmy Puff plushies!!
This post contains affiliate links for your convenience. As always, I only share products that I use myself and truly recommend!
Here are the supplies you will need to make your own Plush Pygmy Puff:
- Fluffy Textured Fabric - rose minky, faux fur, etc.
- Washable Fabric Pen
- Felt - white, black
- Embroidery Thread - white, black
- Scissors
- Sewing Machine, Pins, Thread, etc.

Fold your fabric in half, with the fluff on the inside. Use a washable fabric pen to trace something circular, like a small plate, and make two marks to leave an opening when you sew.

Pin the fabric layers together inside the circle, and then carefully cut about 1/4" around the outside of the circle.

Start at one of the marks and sew along the line until you get to the other mark. Cut notches around the entire circle, being careful not to cut through the stitches. Flip the fabric right-side out and use something like a dull, wooden dowel to press the seams out from the inside.

Stuff the fabric with small handfuls of polyfil until it's as full as you want it to be. Squish the plush in your hands in all directions to even out the stuffing and see if there are any other areas that need to be filled. Once you are happy with the plush, sew the opening in the fabric closed using a needle and thread in a ladder stitch.

Decide how big you want the Pygmy Puff face to be, and draw a heart on white felt using fabric pen. Cut the face and two small ears out. Cut two small circles for eyes, a tiny triangle for a nose out of black felt.

Sew the eyes and nose onto the face using black embroidery thread. You can also add on details like eyelashes, eyebrows, and a mouth! Have fun with it and make it your own. I also added little highlights to the eyes using white embroidery thread. Wash away any fabric pen marks with cold water.

Hand sew the face to the center of the Pygmy Puff. To hide the thread, push the needle in near the last knot and pull it through to the back of the Pygmy Puff. Trim the thread close to the fabric, and voila! The thread will be safely tucked inside! To attach the ears, sew just along the bottom edge so that the rounded tops will pop up out of the fabric. Hide the ends of the thread the same way.

Isn't this Pygmy Puff the cutest?! Now I want to sew up a whole army of them just so I can be surrounded by these fluffy, adorable creatures! These are so simple to make, and is a fun project for teens. Custom plush Pygmy Puffs would also be a fun gift idea for other Harry Potter fans. Huge thanks to Lauren Fairweather for the inspiration to make this Pygmy Puff!
If you make a Pygmy Puff plush or any other Harry Potter-inspired crafts, leave me a comment and let me know, or tag a photo on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram! #AFMcrafts
What color Pygmy Puff would you want to have?

Today is the second day of Creative Crafts: Harry Potter Edition! I am excited to be teaming up with some of my favorite crafters to share even more Harry Potter projects for you to try! Be sure to click the links below to check them all out.

Harry Potter Broom Pencils from Me & My Inklings
Harry Potter Wand and Cape from Jenny's Crayon Collection
Harry Potter Planter from She's Crafty
Chocolate Frogs from Makeable Crafts
Harry Potter Felt Crafts from Debra Quartermain
4 Magical Harry Potter Printables from Creative Beth
Accio Coffee Printable & Cut File from Amy Latta Creations
Don't forget to Pin, Like, and Share to see more projects like this!

Too cute! I absolutely love this!