Make this Spring Joke Cootie Catcher to share some spring humor with your friends!

Spring is almost here, so I created this Free Printable Spring Joke Cootie Catcher for everyone to enjoy while being home during this quarantine! Not only do we have a ton of fun with this at home, but my husband loves taking these kinds of activities to school to entertain the students and to keep them busy. Who wouldn't love this perfect mix of an old-school cootie catcher fun and funny spring jokes?
For more spring fun, be sure to check out my Spring Word Search Coloring Page, and Spring Bingo!
This post contains affiliate links for your convenience. As always, I only share products that I use myself and truly recommend!
Download and print out the Spring Joke Cootie Catcher printable on regular copy paper. Use scissors or a paper trimmer to cut out the Cootie Catcher. Don't cut through the dashed lines!
Fold the Cootie Catcher in half diagonally, then open it up and fold it diagonally again in the opposite direction.
Turn the paper face-down and fold all four corners so that the points touch the center.
Turn the paper over and fold again so that all four points touch the center.
Fold the paper sideways in both directions to really crease the paper and make it flexible.
Work your thumbs and pointer fingers into the four pockets (with the spring character images). Practice moving the cootie catcher back and forth to loosen the paper up a little.

Some things you should know before downloading:
*Artsy-Fartsy Mama printables are for PERSONAL USE ONLY (okay for home, school & libraries).
*You may NOT modify, sell, redistribute, or claim the design as your own.
*Please do not remove the credits/watermarks.
*If you'd like to share this project, you may use ONE photo and credit must be given to Artsy-Fartsy Mama and linked back to this post.
How to play:
Don't forget to Pin, Like, and Share!
What's your favorite spring joke?

- Ask a friend to choose a spring image (bird, plant/sprout, flower, rain/cloud).
- Moving the flaps in and out and side to side in time with the letters, spell out the word of the image, the background color, or just spell “spring”.
- Open the Cootie Catcher to reveal the numbers and ask the friend to pick one. Count out the number they have chosen by moving the flaps in and out and side to side.
- Now they choose another number and you can share the joke under that number’s flap.
Don't forget to Pin, Like, and Share!

What's your favorite spring joke?