This post is sponsored by the Disney Book Group. As always, I only share things that I use myself and truly recommend! #PercyJacksonandtheOlympians

This summer, our goal this summer is to read through the entire Percy Jackson and the Olympians series. We've been using our Percy Jackson bookmarks and are just starting on the third book, The Titan's Curse. While reading, we were inspired to make a Percy Jackson-inspired Camp Half-Blood Necklace. It's such a fun book-inspired project and we're sharing the tutorial (and free printable templates) so you can make one for yourself!

In the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series, every Camp Half-Blood camper receives a camp necklace. At the end of each summer, the camp counselors pick the most important event of the summer, and they paint it on that year's bead. Percy Jackson's camp necklace has four beads on it, and his friend, Annabeth, has nine beads on her camp necklace.

To make your own Percy Jackson Camp Beads, you'll need these supplies:
- 3/4" Wood Beads
- Free Printable Percy Jackson Camp Bead Templates
- Pencil
- Acrylic Paints
- Detail Paint Brushes
- Black Sharpie Pen

Paint each of the beads using a small flat brush. Each bead is a different color: black, white, silver (or gray) and blue. Since the beads are so small, I found it helpful to put the bead onto the end of another paintbrush to paint it. Paint each bead with 1-2 coats of paint. Let the bead dry completely, then remove the bead from the end of the paintbrush.

The next step is to draw each of the symbols onto the beads. The first is a trident, the second is golden fleece/ram, the third is a labyrinth, and the last is the Empire State Building. (I won't share the symbolism of the beads so that I don't spoil any of the books!)
If you aren't comfortable free-handing the symbols, I've got a trick to help you out! Download and print out the Percy Jackson Camp Half-Blood Bead Templates. Cut each of the patterns out, leaving some space around the shapes. Turn the patterns over and scribble with pencil. You want the design completely covered with graphite on the back of the pattern.

Tape the pattern graphite-side down on the center of the bead. Slowly trace over the pattern with a pencil, pressing hard as you do so. Remove the tape and the paper off of the bead. Now you've transferred the image onto the bead like magic!

Now that the images are drawn on the beads, it's time to color them in! Use the tiniest of detail brushes to paint the symbols on the beads, and most importantly, take your time. The details are everything!
Bead 1: I used some teal Color Shift paint on the trident to really make it pop.
Bead 2: I used a metallic gold to paint in the shape and let it dry. Then I drew in the details with a fine Sharpie pen. Once that was dry, I added a little bit of Glitterific paint to add some sparkle.
Bead 3: Painting the labyrinth was probably the hardest because of the fine lines. If you aren't comfortable using paint, you could definitely use a dark blue Sharpie instead. I also added the Daedalus symbol to the center of the labyrinth using the same teal Color Shift paint as the trident.
Bead 4: I first painted in the shape of the Empire State Building in a silver metallic paint. Once it was dry, I used the fine Sharpie pen to draw in the lines. Lastly, I added some golden dots around the building instead of drawing in minuscule Greek symbols.
Once the paint on the beads has dried completely, cover the beads in clear glossy spray paint. This will protect the paint from getting damaged or rubbed off, especially since they will be worn as jewelry.

While the painted beads are drying, put the rest of the necklace together. You'll need these supplies:
- Leather Cord
- 2 Fold Over Crimp Beads
- Super Glue
- 2 Jump Rings
- Lobster Clasp
- Jewelry Chain
- Jewelry Pliers

Measure around your neck (or your child's neck) and cut some leather cord to that length. Add a small drop of super glue on the inside of the crimp bead and place the end of the leather cord on top. Hold in place until the glue has set.

Use the jewelry pliers to fold one side of the crimp bead over the leather.

I found some awesome spacer beads with a Greek-ish vibe to add to the camper beads. Thread the beads on, alternating the spacers and the painted beads with a spacer at each end. Make sure that none of the painted beads are upside-down!

Are you joining in the Percy Jackson Reading Challenge? It's not too late! Head to your local library or to get started on the Percy Jackson & the Olympians series and have your very own adventure this summer!
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Have you read the Percy Jackson & the Olympians series?
There is so little stuff to find compared to harry potter, thank you for these! you made my little girls day!!