My daughter has grown quite fond of doing word searches lately. She's been learning to read and is doing wonderfully, so being able to read the words herself and finding them in the word search has really boosted her confidence and is a fun way to pass the time.

To help teach my daughter some new vocabulary words about Valentine's Day, I put together this free printable Valentine's Day Word Search. This should be fun for any kids, whether they are celebrating at home or if any of you teachers want to print them out for your class parties.
There are 15 Valentine-themed words, all hidden in the word search horizontally, vertically, diagonally, and backwards. My 5 year old needed a little help finding a few words, but did most of it on her own. If you want to share even more word search fun, hand out some Free Printable Word Search Valentines to your friends!
*Artsy-Fartsy Mama printables are for PERSONAL USE ONLY.
*You may NOT modify, re-sell, redistribute (sharing with friends or in the classroom is fine), or claim the design as your own.
*Please do not remove the credits/watermarks.
*If you share this on the internet, credit must be given to Artsy-Fartsy Mama & linked back to this post.
I hope you have fun with this printable, and feel free to share all about the fun if you use it!
I am a Momma and hosting my daughter's class party. This word search is going to be a fun activity for the kiddos to do while I set up the classroom for the party! Thank you!