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Saturday, February 11, 2012

Free Printable Owl Valentines

I was putting these together last night and was so happy with how they turned out
that I just had to show off my daughter's Valentines this year:

Free Printable Owl Valentines at #valentine #freeprintable #printable

These are super cute just printed out - you can attach this to any treat...

Free Printable Owl Valentines at #valentine #freeprintable #printable

 but of course I got a little *crafty* with it:
Free Printable Owl Valentines at #valentine #freeprintable #printable

I whipped out my Xacto knife {carefully, of course} and cut along the bottom of the body and to his/her little toe. Then, I just put a Sour Punch straw through the cuts on each side and voila! A fancy little branch for the cute little hoot! The possibilities are endless for what kind of candy you'd like to use {i.e., suckers, smaller candy bars, pen/pencils, candy necklaces... etc}

I'd also like to share these Valentines with YOU!

Free Printable Owl Valentines at #valentine #freeprintable #printable
I made a girl and a boy version {because some boys don't want girly Valentines} for you to download.

I recommend printing the valentines on cardstock. They are sturdy enough to hold treats and easy to cut.

Because a lot of work goes into creating printables, here are some things you should know before downloading:
*Artsy-Fartsy Mama printables are for PERSONAL USE ONLY.
*You may NOT modify, re-sell, redistribute, or claim the design as your own.
*Please do not remove the Artsy-Fartsy Mama logo/watermark.
*If you post this on the internet, credit must be given to Artsy-Fartsy Mama & linked back to my blog.

{Download Girl Owl Valentines Here}
{Download Boy Owl Valentines Here}

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  1. Thank you for the very sweet Valentines!! So cute!! Found you at Cheri's party...following you on LF...can't wait to see more projects!

  2. LOVE them!!! Featuring them on my facebook page today :)


  3. Those are super sweet.

  4. LOVE these!!

    Found you through the blog hop and just in son's school mascot is an owl! Will def be printing these out!!

  5. you saved my life... i was making some owl valentines for my daughter from scratch and it is taking FOREVER and i was starting to get panicky... going to print these, stick a packaged licorice in there and STILL be adorable! Thank you!

  6. These Owl Valentines are adorable!!! Is there any way you can post them so we can type in our children's names? I'm a little OCD and thought yours looked so neat typed in. If not I'll just have to bribe my kiddos to write 20 names each lol lol. Thanks so much for sharing. Your blog is fantastic!

  7. So cute!! I love them. Putting them on Pinterest right now.

  8. Very cute! I love your website, the colors are wonderful. I'm a new Linky Follower, would love for you to come visit me! :)

  9. love the new header! too cute!

    Visiting from the Linky Followers Blog hop. Now Following your cute blog...would love for you to follow back:>

  10. Following you on linky followers now! Follow me the next time you stop by ;)

  11. Totally using these cuties for Mia's new room!!! LOVE them Linds! Sharing on my networks!! P.S. You ARE SO AWESOME for sharing!!! Love ya! XOXO

  12. Those are super cute!! I had been on the fence about owls, but these totally put me on the 'WooHoo owls' side. It's also super nice that you are letting us download them. Thank you!

  13. LOVE these! Many, Many thanks for sharing, they are just too cute :)

  14. Hello ! I found you via the Linky Hop. I'm a new follower. I would love for you to visit and follow back if you like :)

  15. These are precious! Made ours yesterday otherwise I would have printed these!! New linky follower too! Not Your Ordinary Agent
    Not Your Ordinary Recipes

  16. Wow, you've got some major talent! So glad I found you via the Blog Hop!

    P.S. New LF follower

  17. These are adorable! Using for my son's owl enthusiast teacher. Thank you!

  18. These are too cute! And I love that you have both boy and girl ones!

  19. These are so cute! You just saved me for my son's pre-school party tomorrow :) He is the only boy and these will be adorable for all the girls in his class. I'm going to stick a glow bracelet in for the "branch" :) I am following you on the new Linky Followers and hope you can visit us sometime! Have a great week - Holly

  20. That is such a cute idea for the 'branch' Lindsay!!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a fabulous week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  21. Those are adorable!! I would love for you to link up to my Valentines Party @!

  22. Super cute and my daughter is Zoey too!

  23. I am obsessed with owls lately and these are so adorable! Thanks!

  24. thanks so much for the adorable printable! will be using these for next year for sure!

  25. Thanks so much for creating them. Printed them off to swap for Valentines at our play group!

  26. You have the cutest blog. Thanks for the Owl downloads!
    The Linky Follow hop has turned out quite a crowd. I am now your newest Linky Follower.

  27. We loved having you link up to our “Strut Your Stuff Saturday!” We hope to see you back next Saturday with more fun ideas! -The Sisters

  28. So stinkin' cute!!! Thanks so much for sharing! I love these for next year!

  29. I absolutely LOVE these! I think I love them even more because my 2 month old is Zoie and I've gone overboard for her owl theme. =)

  30. These are so cute! Do you have the .docx format?

  31. Thank you so much! These are absolutely adorable!

  32. Love, love, love these! Thank you so much for sharing! My classroom theme is owls and this will be my valentine for my students this year!! :O)

  33. thanks for these my students will love them

  34. My daughter is very excited about these.

    I'm your newest follower via GFC, Twitter, and Instagram.


  35. Thanks so much for these! My daughter is loving owls and as soon as she saw these, she squealed with delight.

  36. Thank you so much for these! They are precious!

  37. Thanks so much, Lindsay! These are perfect for Raya to take to school this year!

  38. Thank you for the valentines. They are so cute. I am going to put a pencil under the feet.

  39. Thank you so much for sharing!!! Money is tight and my daughter was thrilled to be able to give these cute owls!!! Bless you!!

  40. Thanks for sharing! These are so cuteeee..sharing them on my blog!

  41. I saw these on Pinterest and got super excited! Not only because we're all about the owls, but my daughter is also Zoey!!

  42. Lindsay, I don't know how you do it but you always make the most amazing printables! Thanks for sharing at the Loving Valentine's Day Party!


  43. Thank you so much for sharing these super cute Valentines. My 3rd grade daughter really wanted an OWL valentine and she feel in love with these. We are sticking a pencil under the feet since candy is not allowed. Thank you!!!!

  44. I love these!!!! Thanks so much for sharing!!


  45. Thank you so much for making the free printables for these, they are flipping adorable!! :)

  46. My daughter and I love these! Thank you!

  47. My daughter wanted an "OWL" valentine and these are perfect! Thank you SO much because I am craft challenged!

  48. These are adorable and it's so awesome that you've shared the files!! I have two sick kids this weekend so making crafty valentines is not really possible. Now we can still have great valentines for their friends at school! Thank you!!

  49. My classroom theme this year is "owls;" I am so glad I stumbled upon these adorable valentines to share with my students. Thank you for sharing your talent--it is greatly appreciated since I do not have an artistic bone in my body.

  50. Thank you! My daughter loves these! Very sweet and creative. :)

  51. So excited about these!!!!! Thank you!!!

  52. Thank you so much for sharing! These are adorable! I am a 1st grade teacher who loves owls. These will be a lot of fun to make for my students!

  53. Gorgeous! We used them with glow stick perches. =)

  54. These are just adorable!! I am sharing them in my Facebook group ... Grandma Della's Love For Sharing, Caring and Treasures Of The Heart. It is my hope that some of the ladies will want to do these with their children and grandchildren!! Thank you for sharing!! :)

  55. Thanks for the adorable print out my daughter loves them we inserted pencils instead of candy but they came out great. Again thank you!


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