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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Free Printable Weekly Menu Planner

One of the first things on my list for 2012 is to be more organized & to have a way to be more stress-free. I don't really like talking about this, but having hypothyroidism has made me have some issues with memory & keeping concentrated {it reminds me a lot of "pregnancy brain"....}. One thing that really helped me this last year to focus and remember what needed to be done was to have a planner/notebook/scrap papers everywhere for me to make my lists, take notes and write a schedule down.

So, this year, instead of going out and trying to find a decent one in the store to fit my needs & schedule, I decided to make my own! I printed out a mix of all the different color planner pages, then bound them together {you can also do this at any OfficeMax/Depot, FedEx or Kinko's for a reasonable price}. I also cut an 11"x9" folder {one with a pocket inside} in half/on the fold and used it for my cover.

Free Printable Weekly Menu Planner Pages (8 colors!) at #freeprintable

I'm also planning on trying harder to plan out a weekly menu and make dinner time a little more stress-free and less money-spending at restaurants. This will help so much!! I just need to stick with it...

All the pages are the same layout, but I thought it would be fun to switch up the colors {for myself, anyway} and make each week something different to look at. I also want to share these planner pages with you! You can print out 52 of one {you know, for 52 weeks in the year...}, or split the colors up for a little something different. I can help you with the math if you need it :) All 8 colors are included in a single PDF download, including one in grayscale in case you just want to print in black & white.

Some things you should know before downloading:
*Artsy-Fartsy Mama printables are for PERSONAL USE ONLY.
*You may not re-sell, redistribute, or claim them as your own.
*Please do not remove the watermark or modify the design in any way.
*If you post this on the internet, credit must be given to Artsy-Fartsy Mama & linked back to my blog.

{Download Planner Printables Here or Here}
*Updated planner download available here and here
*Menu days of the week now start with Monday

Want a regular schedule planner instead of one with a menu? Visit this post to download one!

Would you like to comment?

  1. Thanks Lindsay! I can't wait to use these!

    Newlyweds on a Budget

  2. I LOVE this, I just wish I had some ink in my printer. Thanks Lindsay!

  3. You are a mind reader! I was just thinking that I needed to get a day planner or some sort of calendar/planner for 2012. Thanks!

  4. This is great! I have been doing a weekly menu for a while now! But this makes it so much better!!!

  5. What a great idea! I think I'm going to do this! :-)

  6. Thanks! I am always creating my own to fit what I need, thanks for saving me the time!! :) Oh and I like how cute and fun these are!

  7. So glad you are good at computer stuff. lol I have been looking for a organizer.binder thing and haven't found any I like, either. Now I can use yours. ;) Thanks!

  8. The whole dinneer planning business is the tricky one here! Best of luck!

  9. I got a wonderful planner from my daughter-in-law for Christmas! I'm not bad at organization, but I tend to lose bits of paper here and there. With a planner, it's all THERE in one book!

  10. What a GREAT idea! It has everything on one page, yahoo! We would love for you to share this on our link party!

  11. Thanks! This exactly what I needed for my notebook. I especially need to menu plan or we end up having frozen pizza every night for dinner! lol ~Stacey!

  12. How do I get one with the menus already planned out?
    You're the best Lindz!

  13. How do I get one with the menus already planned out?
    You're the best Lindz!

  14. Lindsay, I LOVE these! Thank you so much for sharing!!

  15. I too have some serious memory problem's, I had my thyroid removed due to cancer and my memory has never been the same... with a major head injury and migraines...needless to say, This creation is a potential lifesaver/changer for me. Thanks for sharing and for doing such a wonderful job doing it. Forever Grateful, Melinda

  16. What binder do you have? I have a feeling such a tool would be so useful.


  17. Fabulous. Thanks. I just tweeted these to my followers.


  18. I love this printable. Thank you so much!

  19. LOVE this! thank-you! I plan on printing up and putting on my wall in a frame so I can re-write it each week! (ya, I'm cheap and don't want to spend $$$ on ink I don't have to)

  20. Thanks so much! And from one hypothyroidism chick to another...I feel ya! This will so help me. Found you on Pinterest and an repinning :)

  21. Thank you so much for joining my linky party! This post rocks!

  22. I really like your weekly printable schedules and thanks for making them different colors! :-) I've included them in my 2012 New Years Goals Post. You can find them here:

  23. Thanks for the printable - I forwarded the idea to a friend who has been looking for something like this!

  24. great printable!! thanks! i am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can!

  25. isn't great to just sit down and get the new year just for that reason!

    Thanks for such a great printable and sharing your talent!

    p.s. come check out my custom blog giveaway! :-) Not that you need a new design...yours is very cute but its always fun to change it up?!?! :-)


  26. These are so great! Pinning them now!

    Thanks so much for linking up and sharing!

  27. Definitely going to print this off. Thanks for sharing this. You organized it just the way I like things. Thanks for sharing. I would love it if you could link this up to our linky party going on right now.

  28. This is a great way to get organized better for the week. I shared it on my facebook page too:-)

  29. I have been looking for something simple and this is perfect! Thanks for sharing.

  30. Thank you ! Love these forms.

  31. I'm so doing this! It's the best menu planner I've seen! Thanks. Found you on tater tots...

  32. Love these! I do love TRYING to be organised and I'm always scribbling lists and planners. This is such a bright, elegant solution. Thanks for posting it!

  33. These are great! Thanks!

  34. These are awesome - thank you for sharing!

  35. These are wonderful!! I am stopping by from Thirty Handmade Days Linky party and your newest follower here and on Pinterest.

    Here is what I shared this week:

  36. Thank you so much for sharing! I love this!!

  37. This is such an awesome idea! I am organizationally challenged.. maybe this would help.. thanks so much for sharing the file.. you're the BEST!
    So happy you shared with the Pink Hippo Party.. can't wait to see what you share next!

  38. This is perfect, and EXACTLY what I was looking for. Thank you so much for sharing!

    I pinned your planner pages, so others can enjoy them, too. :)

  39. Thank you so much! Here's to a more organized 2012!

  40. ooo I love this! The colors are so much fun & adding a menu & shopping list makes it perfect! Thanks for sharing!

    And thanks for linking up to Make Yourself Monday!!

    For Love of Cupcakes

  41. Wow! This is wonderful and so very helpful. I try to plan my week out on Sunday and shop Mondays. I like the idea of making a planner out of it. Good use of my Bind it all. :)

  42. Awesome.. Love it! I am going to print it for myself.. :) and feature it this Friday.. be sure to check it out..
    Thanks for sharing

  43. BTW Office Depot has these amazing 3 ring binders that are leather and I use that with all my printables! I order a decal from etsy for the front and it looks awesome!
    Thanks for the planners!

  44. Thank you so much for this printable!

  45. Thank you SO much! I LOVE this layout. I make my own to-do lists for the week every weekend, but your format will save me time. Thanks for making this free for us! :)

    p.s. Came here from Pinterest!

  46. Thank you very much for sharing your pages with us!

  47. I've always made my own printables, but I really love the idea of using a pocket folder for the cover!

  48. Thanks so much for sharing at Pin'Inspiration Thursday last week. Hope to see you back again this week :-)

  49. These are FANTASTIC!!Featured this on my FB page today :)


  50. Thanks for linking up to my Mommy Solutions last week. This was the 4th most clicked post! lol

    Thanks for sharing and come on over and link up something else this week!

  51. So wonderful to have it all on one page! Thank you for linking up to Strut Your Stuff Saturday. We would love to have you come back next Saturday and share more of your incredible ideas. -The Sisters

  52. I LOVE these! It compiles all my lists into one. Brilliant! But, I do have one question. And this is just my ocd talking I'm sure. Is there a way to move Sunday to the beginning? It begins the week in the menu plan but not the day blocks. Just curious. I love them regardless! Thanks!!!

  53. LOVE these! printed some out and am sharing them on my FB page

    Oh and I'm your newest follower!


  54. THANKS! I love these-they are simple but in fabulous colors!

  55. Love your planners! I have the same problem with hypothyroidism and it really does make it hard to stay organized and remember things...

  56. Thank you for this awesome printable page! I have been trying to organize my weeks with my iphone apps, but a printed out paper is the only way I really can organize my weeks! These are so cute and perfect for what I need.


  57. These are fantastic! I wish I had a color printer so I could use the gorgeous colors you made. I wrote a blog post about menu planning freebies, and yours makes an appearance! Thanks so much!

  58. Great job! I'm anxious to print this! Thanks for sharing.

  59. I love these pages! I found you on pinterest! Thank you for sharing.

  60. This is amazing! Perfect and free!! Your the best!

  61. Hands down the best organizational effort a woman can make is to know what she is planning to eat! Single, married, mother, it is in everyone's interest to take care of first things first. Thanks for such a powerful and attractive tool.

  62. Thanks -- going to try the planning page! Very nice -- like that grocery list is on it too! Found you thru' pinterest! Have a great day!

  63. Thank you so much for this. I printed two put them in a page protector front to back (one for this week and then one for next). Then they are dry erase and can be put in my family "command center". Actually I have been using a sharpie to write on the sheet protector. Comes off perfectly with a magic eraser but doesn't budge until I want it to. Again thanks so much. :) Found you on pinterest.

  64. These are great but I'm trying to figure out why you would write down the week's menu twice on one page?

    1. I originally created them to be a weekly planner, and then to write the week's dinner plans at the bottom, though I have seen some people write out recipes on the days with the main menu at the bottom. You are really welcome to write what you want on it...

  65. these are great! love the idea of writing the recipe on each day of the week!

  66. Thank you for sharing - these are fabulous!

  67. Love these! Thank you so much for sharing them! I also have memory issues from Hypothyroidism. I do Once-a-Month freezer cooking, and I can't tell you how valuable that has been for me! The only problem I have is remembering to take things out of the freezer to thaw the morning of - and your planning pages look perfect for that job!! :D Thanks so much!!

  68. thank you so much, just printed mine out!

  69. Thanks tons!!! So excited to organize my life :)

  70. this is awesome!! THANKS!!!

  71. very cool! thx so much for making it available to all of us <3

  72. Amazing! And beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing! FOR FREE! Thanks so much!

  73. I have been searching for a weekly meal planner, so thanks so much!! I mentioned this in my blog and linked my blog back to yours! I really appreciate it!

  74. LOVE these! Thank you! I'm having a problem printing though. The entire border prints, but the line on Monday's menu and below does not print. Also, only 6 lines print on the shopping list. Not sure why the bottom of the "guts" of the page are not printing correctly but the border and everything above it is. Anyone else having this issue? My printer is working fine, no issues with any other print jobs.

  75. Love this!! Would love to have it available as a spreadsheet vs PDF. I would love to download and use from my computer or IPAD vs printing.

  76. Thanks Lindsay! this is just what I needed to help me get organized. you should see the ugly piece of paper I used to write my menus on. You are so stinkin talented!

  77. Lovely. Just what I desperately wanted. Thanks.

  78. Your design is being sold on Etsy here:

    1. Thank you SO much for letting me know about this!! I have contacted the seller and reported them to Etsy as well. It's sad that people have to steal. Again, thanks SO much for letting me know.

  79. You're welcome. I was on Etsy searching for planner printables when I came across her listing. I knew I had seen that sheet some place. Thanks to pinterest, I was able to locate it ( and you) quickly! Glad you were able to report her; hopefully Etsy will remove the listing.

  80. Thank you! I love this printable and appreciate you sharing! :)

  81. What font are you using? I really like it! Thanks for sharing this awesome printable!

  82. Thank you very much! I can't wait to start using them!!!

  83. these are awesome! but for some reason they will not open for me. they keep going thru google and then google gives me an error message! ;( is there anyway you would email them to me? i know thats asking alot but these are just perfect! thanks!

    1. I've tried everything cntl S, import, etc. google user just keeps telling me they aren't able to be downloaded, argh!

  84. How did you create this printable? Was it just on word or photoshop or what? So amazing!!

  85. Thanks so much I am printing as I type and will also share with my daughter-working mom with 2 little girls

  86. Olá!
    Obrigada por compartilhar.

  87. These are pretty. Thanks for sharing

  88. I loved, My self been a MAN and dad must to say that I loved the idea. Congratulations!!!!

  89. Wonderful idea! I totally understand the hypothyroid fog you are describing! I had thyroid cancer a few years ago and now constantly battle the thyroid fog even on meds so these planners are a great find for me! :) My goal was to get more organized this year and I'm slowly getting there. This will be very helpful especially since I am starting work outside the home again.

  90. These printables are great. I'm totally pinning them for next month when things are going to get crazier.

  91. These are the best! I've been searching for something this perfect for two days solid. THANKS!

  92. I love this! I have one question though... Since the weekly planner starts on Monday could you format one page where the menu planner also starts on Monday? My brain won't let me use the planner if they don't both start on the same day. (my eyes are rolling at myself ;) Thanks!

  93. I am so inspired by this cute organizer. What a wonderful gift to give us. Thank you.

  94. It will not allow me to download to print. If you could email that would be fabulous.

    1. The link was not displaying for me either. However, I discovered, if once you are in Google Docs, you click on File -> Download, it will display correctly in whatever PDF reader you have on your machine. Then you can save it to your desktop from there.

    2. Thanks so much, dlimbach for that suggestion, I really appreciate it!!

      I also added a second option for downloading (the second "here")

  95. can't access the download and print...BUMMER!!

    1. I also added a second option for downloading (the second "here"). Thanks for letting me know about the issue, trying to figure out what's going on.

  96. These are fantastic! I printed the multi-color one and will be framing it and changing weekly via dry erase marker (on the glass)! Thanks for being so artsy fartsy and SHARING!

  97. LOVE these pages!! I always make a schedule with meals on just plain paper to put on our fridge so my hubby knows what's going on. These are so much more fun!:-)

  98. These are fantastic! I love the colors! I have been looking for something to simplify life a little and help me remember what I need to do.

  99. Thanks so much for this! I have hypothyroidism and know exactly how you feel. This will really help me.

  100. I totally agree with ya. I have that feeling way too often also, pregnancy brain & im not pregnant... I feel so unfocused 24-7 thank u sooo much for ur sharing of these printables.. I've ben on the hunt since nov/dec of last year to find something like u have designed, I found a lot of free printables but not something exactly how I wanted them and some I had to pay and being I have a family of 6 with only my husband workin it made it very difficult to afford to purchase them, even thou id love too. So thanks again... Ps I <3 ur blog, great ideas, im newbie to this blog thing, ur so inspiring, thkz again

  101. Oh, nice! These look great! Thanks for sharing!

  102. These are great. I have kept a household notebook for years, and it helps to keep me organized. I have also had NO thyroid for years, about 14, so I feel your pain. Remember, your TSH is not the only indicator of how you are doing! I wish you well in your journey. Thanks for the great printables - graphics are not my thing!!

  103. I found you through Pinterest and think your design is a great way to capture the week in a colorful snapshot. Even though technology rocks, there's nothing like holding seven days --including dinner plans -- in your hand to have the {illusion!} of control over a busy week. Thank you . . .

  104. This is exactly what I needed! I'm printing them out as I type:) I've have been searching for a few years for the perfect planner...I'm just not qualified to make my own. Love this! Thanks for sharing!!!

  105. I LOVE these for organizing dinners. I just started a new job and now work a lot later than my boyfriend and these will be perfect to let him know what he can cook and have ready when I come home. The colors are great too, so cheerful!

  106. Thank you for making these available! They are helping us keep organized and save money. Love 'em!

  107. Thank you so much for sharing these!! I also struggle with the memory issues with hypothyroidism and appreciate these pages so very much! Thank you!!

  108. Hi,
    I am leaving in two months to be an au pair for a year and this layout is just what I need for planning/scheduling meals for the kids, as well as writing down activities and my own stuff.
    I was wondering if you had an idea for how I would create a semi-matching page for each month (the calendar view) with like little squares to write like birthdays and such on the days. I generally like planners that have the calendar view "cut in half" so that the landscape layout covers two pages. However I have no idea how to do that myself…thanks for taking the time to share your brilliant idea!


  109. I'm also planning on trying harder to plan out a weekly menu Send gifts to Pakistan from UK.

  110. I so love this planner template! Colorful and cute. :) Thanks for sharing this.

  111. I so love this planner template! Colorful and cute. :) Thanks for sharing this.

  112. I can't believe I just found this. So awesome. Printing them now!


  113. A kazillion thatnks for sharing these for download...

    I have to use a menu planner, no-one in my house of ALL ADULTS will eat the same things and it is insanity to me.
    To add to the insanity is that I won't use the meal planner because I could never find cute ones!!!

  114. Thank you for the downloads. I used a hole punch & put them in a loose leaf binder. This way I can refer back to the weeks & plan repeat menus too. No trip to have them bound. With back to school sales in our area binders are affordable & colorful too.

  115. Thanks for these! I am trying to be more organized so this will help. :)

  116. This is going to help me survive my last semester of college taking 21 hours--the max amount you can take. THANKS in advance!!

  117. Visiting from Vintage Wanna Be blog hop...Love this printable. I had thyroid cancer almost 12 years ago and have NEVER been the same since concerning memory, etc (don't get me started on weight!) so I feel your pain. I just need to remember to write in my planner! :)
    Your newest follower,

  118. Love this!!! If you Ever make a young children's chore/to do checkoff sheet printable, I'd love to have it!!!!

  119. This is fantastic! Thank-you so much for sharing such a great printable!!

  120. I saw this on Pinterest - thank you so much for sharing it!! I can't wait to try it out. :)

  121. Cant make the fonts larger is there reason? thanks Rodney

  122. I want to print this out, but keep getting redirected to Google Drive ad for free 5 MB. Do I need this to access your printables? thanks.

  123. what program did you use to make these?

  124. Thank you so much! I love to be organized, but can't always find the right way to do it. I especially need to get organized with planning and carrying out meals to save $ instead of eating out. So Thanks for the printable and the great idea~

  125. Is there a way to get a download on google docs?
    the other ones want me to be a premium member...

  126. Just what I have been looking for to keep my sane! Thank you for sharing. I love your blog and admire your creativity!

  127. Thank you for sharing this! I tried using them in one of my projects (, looks so cute! Had to share to my readers your wonderful work! Thanks again!

  128. Oh my goodness these are great! Thanks so much for sharing! I have started do alot of freezer cooking and have been using a medium notebook but these are better!

  129. Thank you so much for sharing all of your time & talents with us. These are lovely!

  130. Thank you for sharing! I am going to share these on my blog!!!

  131. Found this via Pinterest - thank you so very much for sharing your creativity, time, and awesome resources with us random people of the internet. :)

    P.s. Love your blog!

  132. Thanks so much. I used these everyday.

  133. Found this on Pinterest and I LOVE it! Thanks!

  134. I just found this link on pinterest- totally what I need!!! I can totally relate to the thyroid issues!! I have the same problem and people don't get it? There are some days so much is going on or I forgot about something (which before I swear I was organized)and I feel like I'm losing my mind!!! Thanks so much for posting ;)

  135. I love these!!! I love arts and crafts but lack in creating these kinds of things on the computer so thank you for doing it for me! And I love the different colors, it's always nice to change things up =)


  136. These are so great! I buy groceries for a full month at a time, cause my husband only gets paids once a month. I have found it so easy to actually plan for a full month ahead on meals, so when I go to the store, I know what I need. Sometimes, things come up and we don't actually get to cook what's on the menu for that night, but it comes in handy for the next month. These sheets will be so much better than my plain on college rule notebook paper. Thank you so much!

  137. I love these & wish so badly I could use them, they are almost exactly what I have been searching for. Unfortunately, my brain cant wrap around the fact that the menu starts with Sunday & the planner squares start with Monday. Its a weird quirk of mine, I need all calendar & planner pages to start with Sunday :(

  138. This is super cute! I am trying to download the google docs version, but its not working. Any help?

  139. I can't get them to download. I would love to be able to use these. Can you give me any help??

  140. I figured out how to do it if it helps click on the pic of them and it will take you to the google doc! These are amazing by the way Thanks

  141. I LOVE THIS! I found it on Pinterest and I'm so glad that I did. My plan is to blow it up and frame it so I can write on it with dry erase markers, just to save paper ;)

    Thank you Lindsay for letting us use it!

  142. Can't believe I didn't see this last year...ok maybe I can hahaha. Perfect timing on noticing the pin too! I'm just about to sit down and make the January menu! Thanks!

  143. I thank you so much for this template. I am starting my LAST semester of college Jan 7 with six classes and also taking care of a handicapped son. I need all the help I can get keeping my ducks in a row! Thanks again!

  144. Glad I found these! I have resolved to become more organized and these are perfect. Love all the colors :-)

  145. Thank you so much! I can definitely use these.

  146. Great idea!! I love these. I just had to share. Here's the link. Thanks:

  147. Thank you so much for sharing this! Can't wait to use it. :-)

  148. Thank you!!! this is so awesome....totally fits into my plan to try and get on top of my week!

  149. Thanks for sharing, I also suffer from hypothyroidism and know exactly how you feel. I have to stop and write everything down, just in case someone ask later.. thanks again, they are great!!

  150. Found this on Pinterest and will probably use it this year. Just would like to make one alteration. You have the menu planning go from Sunday to Saturday, but the weekly planning go Monday to Sunday. I will probably change this part on mine for the two to match up. Thanks for the download!

    1. I too wish the two sections started with the same day. I printed and bound mine before I realized it. Oh well, maybe next year! do you know if this printable can be edited?

    2. There is a new version that begins with Monday. Click on the download links for the Updated Planner.

  151. Just featured this great post...too good not to share!

  152. I am just now stumbling upon this thanks to Pinterest!! Thank you for the printable, this is just what I needed to get started with my menu planning, shopping list, and daily schedule.

  153. I too just found you on Pinterest! Love your ieas! Anything to simplify the daily craze is much appreciated! Thanks.

  154. Lovely! I am so excited about your pretty colors, and great layout. I love looking at pretty things. :) Thanks for the help getting my menu plan organized!

  155. These are great! I use them weekly to post our menu on the fridge. I just wish the week started with Sunday like the menu portion below does.

  156. Thanks so much for this great planner page! I love that it has the menu section. I really appreciate your sharing this.

  157. Thanks so much for this great planner page! I love that it has the menu section. I really appreciate your sharing this.

  158. This is such a great idea. I'm a huge fan of getting things spiral bound at Kinko's. (I've also used the UPS store!)

    Another thing that would be really helpful would be to have recipes printed on the backs of the previous week. That way, when you open it up, you could see the recipe.

    If that's too much, you could just print those same boxes with blank lines, so you could jot down recipes and instructions.

  159. Thank you so much for doing this! It is so hard to find a *free* weekly planner. Doing one daily is just not something I can commit to...not to mention the paper waste >.<
    This one is fantastic!

  160. Thanks so much!! This is fantastic and so nice of you to share your template!!

  161. I had been using a piece of Notebook paper - with such an adorable layout, I'm sure it will be much more enjoyable to plan out meals now :D Thanks for a great idea!

  162. These are great! Love them, thank you!

  163. Thanks for these! They're great and your accessibility is a lifesaver!

  164. OMG amazing thank you for these! It is so hard to find nice printable's.

    Follow me =D

  165. Stopping by to say hello & thank you!
    Found your pin and repinned. If you ever want in on my group craft pin board, let me know!!
    Kristin ;)

  166. Love these, but I can't get the black and white one to come up to print =[ It just gives me a ton of random letters =[ If you could email me one I would appreciate it!

  167. Thank you… tried printing others and your was the only one that really worked.. Thanks a bunch!!

  168. Thank you for sharing these! They are just what I need.

  169. Thank you so much for this! I love how the week starts on Monday! However the menu still starts on Sunday. Is there anyway you can switch it so the menu goes M, T, W, T, F, S, S? Thanks so much!!

  170. Thank you for making these available for free!! I love them!!

  171. Thank you so much..u just made my day easier :)

  172. i've been looking for this.. thank you so much..lotsa love form Borneo Malaysia..

  173. thank u's nice

  174. There are soo many reasons I need to comment!! First let me tell you that I am trying so hard to get myself organized in every way shape and form! I loved your weekly planner idea and then read your story!! I have been in a fog for what seems forever! I have had many health issues...LLLOOONNNNGGGGG STORY but more recently, as of two weeks ago I've been diagnosed with hypothyroidism. I feel like I have missed out on so much in my life with all the other (excuse my french) "crap" and this is just something else, something that could of been dealt with if found out earlier and everything would of been there but maybe wouldn't of been SO much!! UGH!!!! I know its uncomfortable to talk about personal things but I really appreciate you sharing!! I have recently been put on generic form of synthroid. I hope to be getting my life back into order ASAP!! I'm a mother of three, work a full time job as a preschool teacher and the list goes on!! I NEED MY BRAIN!! Any other help, suggestions, I'm all ears!! THANK YOU!!!!!

  175. This form looks awesome; look forward to using it! Even blogging about it (for tomorrow)!

  176. Thank you so much! I am happy that I found your blog <3

  177. thank you for this- I've put it in an old picture frame so I can use a dry-wipe pen on the glass and wipe it clean so I can reuse one printable :)

  178. I have been using this printable for years! I recently starting a blog and shared it as a part of my Meal Planning 101. Thanks so much!

  179. Thanks, really echoing everyone else, so usefull ,
    love it...just finish printing...beautiful mix of colours!!!

  180. Oh my gosh; thank you! I also have hypothyroidism (diagnosed 15 mos ago) and thought the memory thing just me! I also need notes and reminders... and a menu planner like this! :)

  181. Thanks so much for these nifty little templates. they work great for my family of 3 :)

  182. Thank you.... this makes daily life so much easier!


Thank you so much stopping by! If you have any questions, please leave them here and I'll try to answer ASAP!