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Friday, May 13, 2011

diy hair bow holder

My bathroom is getting a little too cluttered lately with the thousands of rubber bands, hair bows and clips for my daughter's hair. Since I don't have a whole lot of counter space, I decided to make a hair bow holder to store it all plus add some decoration to the bathroom.

I didn't get a photo of all the supplies, but here's what I used:
• 16x20" frame
• paint (I used Plaid FolkArt paint in Tickled Pink)
• chicken wire (got a roll at Home Depot for about $20)
• hot glue/glue gun
• "s" hooks (pretty inexpensive at Lowe's/Home Depot)
• jars/containers for smaller accessories
• cabinet knobs

First, I painted the frame. I put on about 3 coats. The wood had a couple of dark knots showing through, so I wanted to make sure you couldn't see them when I was done.
After the paint dries, it's time to move on to the next step... If you're like me, that means it's time for my smarter-than-me-about-measuring husband! No, really. I am so glad he helped me with this part. He rolled out the wire and measured the frame up to it to get the width measurement. Cut it through, the re-fit it into the frame and measure it up for the height. Watch out for the sharp edges, that wire is like a ninja and will cut you without you even realizing it! (I would have shown pictures, but I didn't want to make someone throw up because of my just trust me, mmkay?)

Once you have the wire cut, try to flatten it out as much as possible. Lay it on the floor or table with something flat and heavy on top of it. This is also the time when you could decorate your glass/backing. My frame didn't come with glass, it was just a bare wood frame from Hobby Lobby. So, mine is going to be without a backer.

Ideas I've done with glass before: spray paint one side of the glass. Let dry and VERY carefully put glass in the frame, paint side up. Then put cardboard or something behind it so it doesn't get scratched and remove the spray paint. You can also cover the glass with fabric, then hot glue or tape to the back of glass and place it in your frame behind the wire. The possibilities are endless. Mine is going to show the wall behind it for now.

Once your wire has been flattened, place inside your frame and bribe your husband to hot glue it around the edges. Our original plan was to staple it with a staple gun, but the edges of the frame ended up being too thin and that wasn't going to happen. Hot glue seemed to work fine though, as it always does. :)


Now it's time to decorate!! I got out my bucket of bows & clips and started clipping. I'm a bit OCD, so I put them in order of size and color and types of bows/clips... trust me, you don't have to do it this way! :) I also have a large collection of elastics and clips for flyaways. It's a little difficult to put those kinds of things on something like this, so I found some glass jars for less than $1. I then bought some "S" hooks to be able to hang the jars up. I filled the jars and then hooked one side of the "S" hook through the back of the jar. They hang up nicely and keep things organized.


"S" hook, just in case you didn't know


I also have plans to put knobs on the bottom of the frame to hang a bunch of headbands, but the hubs has done more than his share of help and has had enough injuries from the wire for the night. He was apalled that I would even suggest hot gluing the knobs on... so, the drilling holes for the knobs will have to wait for another day. Plus, we don't have a drill here, so that doesn't help either. Otherwise I would do it myself. I also think it might need a little more decoration... vinyl? Not sure yet, I just know it needs a little something more.

So here is the finished (well, mostly) project! I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.

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  1. So freaking adorable! As is everything you make. Hope hubby's hand heals soon!

  2. I love this!!! So Simple!! I might make one like this for my necklaces!

  3. Hi Lindsey...

    Ahhh...sooo cute, my friend! What a great idea...especially nice to save for needed counter space! Sure wished that I would have thought of something like this when I had my three daughters young and still at home! Ohhh yes...I know how big a collection of hair bows and goodies can get! Hehe! Great solution! Thank you for sharing it with turned out so pretty! Great tutorial too!

    Warmest wishes,

  4. New follower...this is SO great! My 5 yr. old daughter was sitting next to me and said, "oh look at that!!!!" :)

  5. Thanks so much, ladies! I am so glad you're here!! Let me know if you have any questions, more than happy to help :)

  6. That is just absolutely adorable! I love it when form meets function in such a darling way. :-) Thanks so much for sharing this with us at Inspiration Friday!

  7. I'm visiting from Flamingo Toes!

    This is super cute! Such a smart idea, I would have never, ever thought to use s hooks to hang jars like this. Thanks so much for sharing!

  8. I love this! I think this is the first bow organizer that actually looks functional and like it will really work! Thanks for sharing.

  9. Super cute, I made a big accessory display for myself a while back using chicken wire since I love accessories. I saw you on Sunday Scoop.
    I would love if you stopped by

  10. When I find the place for one I am going to make one! Thanks for the tutorial!

  11. brilliant my dear! thanks so much for partying with whipperberry!!

  12. So great!! I'd love for you to link up!

  13. I think this is great! My daughter is just now letting me put bows in her "hair." (She is still trying to grow some.) I have been wondering what to do to organize her accessories. I will have to make her an organizer like this. Thanks for sharing!

  14. LOVE LOVE LOVE this. what a great idea! so cute.


  15. Hi, I just landed here from the Making Monday Marvelous @Craft Link Party. I'm a brand new follower.

    The end result is super pretty. I love having everything organized.

    Bella Vida by Letty

  16. What a great idea! I haven't seem a hair bow holder like this one yet. Very creative.

  17. I totally pinned this! I am in love. I found you through the craft o maniac linky party. Come say hi

  18. Very nice. I'd love for you to link up at Inspire Me Mondays @ Singing Three Little Birds

  19. wow cute idea! i wanna have this... you inspire me....

  20. This is so cute! And very clever :)

  21. LOVE this!!! Adding the jars is a brilliant touch! Thanks so much for linking this up to the Summer Lovin Soiree!! :)

  22. What a great idea! Love it!!
    Thank you so much for sharing this @ {nifty thrifty sunday} last week as well!
    Vanessa @ {nifty thrifty things}

  23. I LOVE this!!! What a great idea! I have two young daughter with LOTS of hair accessories ... I'll definitely be making a couple of these!

    Your newest follower :)
    Nicole @

  24. What a gorgeous idea, so creative. Lovely to hang up in the bathroom.

  25. I loved this so much that I made a similar one :) I linked back to you: Thank you for sharing!!


Thank you so much stopping by! If you have any questions, please leave them here and I'll try to answer ASAP!