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Friday, June 5, 2015

Free Printable Minions Bingo

In anticipation of the new Minions movie coming to theaters on July 10th (and because Minions are pretty much the best thing ever), I decided to create a free printable Minions bingo game for you to play!! My daughter loves everything Minion, and we've been having so much fun playing this bingo and seeing all the Minions being, well, Minions!!

Free Printable Minions Bingo at

Each Minions bingo card includes 24 images of hilarious and adorable Minions so you can laugh and do your best Minion impressions while you play!! Kids of any age can play bingo, and this printable will be great to play at parties and just for fun at home!

(Single PDF file includes 8 bingo cards and calling cards)

Free Printable Minions Bingo at

In case you have more than 8 people playing, or just want to let the kids make their own cards, I've created a blank bingo card set. All you need to do is cut out the 24 bingo images and glue them in place with a glue stick.

(Single PDF file includes one blank bingo card, bingo images, and calling cards)

Game Instructions
1. Pick some kind of object to mark your squares or use a dry erase marker.
2. Give each player a Bingo card and markers (or put your own together with the blank set). Have each player put a marker over the free space.
3. As you pass items on the road, call it out or have each child mark it as they see it. Each player will cover that item on their card with a marker. Once a player has 5 squares covered in a row (horizontally, vertically, or diagonally), they call out "BINGO!" and win the game!

Some things you should know before downloading:
*Artsy-Fartsy Mama printables are for PERSONAL USE ONLY.
*You may NOT modify, re-sell, redistribute, or claim the design as your own.
*Please do not remove the credits/watermarks.
*If you share this on the internet, credit must be given to Artsy-Fartsy Mama & linked back to this post.

To lengthen the life of the prints, I would recommend printing the Bingo cards and calling pieces on cardstock and laminating or putting in a plastic page. All files are 8.5x11 inches and put together in a single PDF format.

Have fun!! Would love to hear from you if you play using my printable!

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  1. Oh I adore the minions! Makes me wish I had kids to play this with! =P

  2. This is SO cute! I cannot wait to share it with my nephew who is Crazy about Minions! Thanks for sharing!

  3. This is awesome Linday! You took bingo to a new level for the kids. I agree, everyone loves Minions and this is a fun way to "modernize" the old bingo game.

  4. This is so totally adoreable, I love minions too! Thanks for sharing!

  5. This is so adoreable..thanks for sharing!

  6. Thank you for putting this together and sharing. Looking forward to playing this at my daughter's birthday party! :)

  7. You saved my birthday party! Thanks!

  8. Thank you so much for this. My daughter is going to love it. One qustion though... I don't see the calling card in the pdf. I only see the 8 bingo playing cards and the extra images to create custom cards. . I Is this somewhere else?

  9. Thank you so much for making and sharing this :) !!

  10. I'm using them for my boys birthday party. Thank you very much, all the way from the Netherlands!

  11. great for tomorrows minion movie night!!


Thank you so much stopping by! If you have any questions, please leave them here and I'll try to answer ASAP!